Resources for Renters

We are unable to provide any advice (legal or otherwise) to residents who are having a problem with their housing. We can however, provide you with information available via the links below.

Most disputes between the owner and/or manager and residents involve agreements made during the leasing process. A review of your lease will, in most cases, answer the majority of questions that arise.

Questions Regarding Residents Rights?

Websites Available to Consumers for Questions regarding Resident Rights.

Get Your Questions Answered

Search for Affordable Housing

The link below is provided as a service by the City of Amarillo for people to search for rental housing under the Rental Housing Choice Voucher Program.

NOTICE: These listings will remain posted until notification from landlord that the property is no longer available. The City of Amarillo does not guarantee that any of the properties listed will still be available for rent. Questions about any of the properties on this list should be referred to the specific landlord only.

Search Affordable Housing in Amarillo

Texas Property Code

The Texas Property Code (TPC) provides protections for both the resident and the owner.
​The TPC spells out the rules on repairs and security deposit dispositions, etc. You may review copies of the TPC online at the website,

Texas Attorney General's office

The Texas Attorney General's office has resources at:

Dispute Resolution Center

​You may contact the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) at 372-3381 for information on their services. Through mediation, the DRC provides a service to help both sides of a disagreement work out a solution and resolve the issue.